First Ubuntu boot

Friday, July 21, 2006 3:32 pm By BigLig

OK, booting from the Ubuntu Desktop CD on my notebook, which is a Dell Lattitude D505.

You might be wondering, from looking at the dates, what ahs taken me so long from starting this project to actually putting a CD in the slot. Well, two processes have been prequesites:

  • Getting my desktop machine up and running and very happy
  • Moving about 30Gb of data from laptop to desktop
How do I have so much music in my iTunes folder?

Anyhow, first boot. Dapper Drake's "Desktop" installer CD boots like a live CD so you can test everything before comitting yourself. My initial observation: blimey! It's using the correct resolution! In the past I've always had to frig about with the i810 utility to make it work. Very nice.

Audio works; playback of the Nelson Mandela clip works; both wired and wireless networking has connected; I can make an RDP connection to my desktop PC; I can browse the web with firefox (very quickly as it happens). That's what I need to check before proceeding, so time to hit that "Install" icon. Wish me luck!